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DNA and Food Print

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DNA GenoFit

Our DNA carries coding for all our body parts and predispositions to illness. We are different because our DNA is different and therefore we at Lighterstyle refuse a one size fits all prescription and this is why we believe in nutrigenomics. DNA testing is the ultimate solution that trumps dieting trial and errors shortcutting our journey to weight loss and this is made possible by out GenoFit diet provided at our clinic. Genetic analysis represents a long-term investment to improve our health and well-being.


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Food print

Food intolerance can result from your body reacting adversely to certain types of food. It causes wide range of symptoms, such as fatigue, bloating, diarrhea, IBS, migraine, slow weight loos and eventually to obesity. By taking a small, finger prick blood sample, it is possible to measure food-specific antibodies in your blood, and following an elimination diet, all symptoms will be relieved and your weight will be controlled.

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